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Act on behaviors.

Change your future.

Mutatio supports public and private actors in the transformation of their environment, by leveraging the knowledge of behavioral sciences.


In consultation with our clients, we act on the behavioral levers of the target populations. By acting on behaviors, in particular through the implementation of nudges, we make change happen, in a sustainable and measurable way.


Below is what structure our services today.
Everything that we bring is tailor-made to our clients specific constraints and objectives.

Have a look at our recent credentials and how we deployed our approach.

Our services

Ad'hoc Consulting


Accompany you on a specific transformation objective, until its implementation.

Training, talks & Masterclass


Become trained and ready to apply behavioral sciences into your organization.

Our people

Mutatio relies on a network of experts combining scientific skills and knowledge of the business reality


Selim Messaï 
15 years of market and consumer understanding among agencies (Kantar, Ipsos) and manufacturers (Ferrero, Ecotone). Teaching Behavioral Marketing at Neoma Business School.

Julien Le Pendu
Consultant Senior en Sciences Cognitives & Comportementales. 


Rawad Shaker
Teacher-Researcher at the University of Lyon II

Why did we create Mutatio  ?

"Our companies and our institutions design their products, their services, their departments, for individuals whose actions are highly emotional and influenceable (cognitive biases, weight of habits, social norms, etc.).  


Yet, these actors rely too often on rational and declarative tools to overcome obstacles that are purely behavioral in nature


It is based on this observation that Mutatio was born : Helping private and public industries to act directly on behavior, in order to better resonate with their targets and obtain convincing results."



Selim Messaï - Founder of Mutatio

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They talk about us

Interview of the founder in MR News magazine (french)

We are talked about in CB NEWS (french)

We are talked about in Strategies (french)


Dossier sur MUTATIO et son fondateur dans La Nouvelle République

Selim Messaï, fondateur de MUTATIO dans Le Podast du Marketing 

Our publications


Short and accessible to all, our publications illustrate - with supporting examples - the impact of behavioral levers on our decisions and our actions as customers, collaborators and citizens.

Coming soon in english version !

No posts published in this language yet
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

The lexical field of behavioral sciences 


Popularized in 2008 by Nobel Prize winner R. Thaler and C. Sustein - "nudging" consists in favourizing a change in behavior without resorting to coercion, most often using  instinct, emotions, social norms to trigger the desired actions. 

Some visual and audio examples or for a more exhaustive reading on wikipedia

“cognitive bias”

Cognitive biases are unique to our human brain. They are the essential reasons why we do not always act rationally. These biases affect our way of perceiving reality as well as our decision process. Finding cognitive biases at stake is one of the first step to act effectively on behaviors.

See here the cognitive bias codex as well as some popular examples

Frictions characterizes the external factors likely to make the user/consumer/citizen experience more complicated or at least to generate additional effort (the human brain having a natural tendency to avoid effort) 


Let's take the example of a consumer that would like to increase his purchases in bulk for ethical/sustainable reasons. Several frictions can affect his good will such as  storing empty containers in his accommodation, making sure the right amount of product is being served, not being sure of the price to pay etc. 

"intrinsic  motivations"

Theorized by Deci and Rayan (2002)  "intrinsic motivations" are formed from an early age in the individual, they come in a way. Identifying and acting on intrinsic motivations is the guarantee of strong and lasting adherence and involvement, as opposed to "extrinsic motivations" linked to external factors.


We speak of affordance when an environment clearly suggests the action that should be taken. We can also use the term "intuitive". Working on affordances, in a given context, makes it possible to trigger a behavior that naturally imposes itself to the public concerned, without requiring superfluous effort.

See here  examples of affordance in terms of online/offline design (and why it is not uncommon to see people push a door despite the written instruction to "pull it")

"System 1"

Described by psychologist Daniel Kahneman in 2011 (Nobel Prize 2002), System 1 and 2 is about distinguishing a two co-existing modes of thinking and acting in our human brains : the fast, instinctive, emotional "System 1"; and the slow but logical, thoughtful "System 2" . Underestimating the importance of System 1 - yet the majority in our daily decisions - very often explains the ineffectiveness whenever we want to change behaviors.

find here our suggestions for books and audio content on these subjects  

Ancre 1

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